New Beatles Box Sets

I've been holding off buying any Beatles cd and I'm hoping these new releases will finally give this material their due in the digital arena.
Can anyone comment on the sound, packaging, etc.
Well, for what it's worth, these are the American "Capitol" remixes of the original Beatles songs. In many cases, extra reverb and/or delay/echo was added to "Americanize" the songs for airplay here in the USA by Capitol records. The song order was also changed, along with cover art.
The Beatles appropriately disowned these bastard versions of their precious albums, and really, IMHO the mixes do suck. Just listen to "I Feel Fine" for a perfect example of turning a great song with wonderfully articulate guitar and complicated bass/drum work into a reverb and echo soaked mess. "Wall of Sound "indeed!
The sound itself is just OK, nothing great here, unlike the wonderful remastered versions of Number One Hits on the "One" album, or the Yellow Submarine mixes on the incredible DVD (screw the cartoon, just listen to the music!), or "Let it Be" (Naked), which, although the mixes/versions/selections are questionable, actually sounds quite good.
So, bottom line, if you're looking for great remasters of these classics, do NOT buy the Capitol box sets. Go find some original LPs, pays yer dollars, and enjoy them until some brave soul navigates the tangled legal web and undoes the animosity between Paulie and Yoki to produce reference versions of these revered albums.
I truly don't expect to see these remastered in my lifetime. And yeah, whatta colossal bummer.
I am extremely disappointed with the quality of these discs.
The distortion on Please Please Me & I'm Looking Through You, made me regret spending $46. Not ONE of the other discs was an improvement over previous releases. As a radio programmer & audiophile I can't believe Capitol put this out.
compared to the old 80's remastering they are great in my opinion. unlike someone else I do not like the job done on the #1's set; but am VERY happy with cap albums vol 2.

of course I grew up on the american junk and love it (except for the "stereo" mutilation on all the early stuff).
I know others who love them also, but then again, I mostly play my lps.
I'm not trying to hijack the thread or anything but...... I too grew up on the Capitol (God awful) stereo mixes of the Beatles. Their music is some of the most precious there is for me. I recently spent big $$$ on some original Parlophone UK "mono" pressings of Rubber Soul, Beatles for Sale, etc. and am completely blown away. It's a whole new world; they are so much better (even at almost 40 years old). I just wish I had deep enough pockets to go out and buy a lot more of these discs.

the parlophone uk pressings are mastered from the george martin 1980's updates that were also used to create the cd's at that time. the original pressings(u.s. and u.k. were cut using different masters, even if the differences are not radical