Best cd player for around $3500?

Hey everyone i need a little help in deciding which cd player to go with, i just return my mcintosh mcd201 because after months of trying to get it to work right it just keeps on skipping when playing some cd's. It will take awhile for mcintosh to figure out the problem so i am getting a refund, so that in turn makes me think about going with a different cd player any suggestions, i would like it to play SACD and have about 3500 to spend.
Also look at the Linn Ikemi, I know of a Demo unit for around 2800.00 good disccount 4000.00 new.
You might want to check out the Ayre C-5xe universal player. Used it "might" go for around $3,500, (although I would guess it would probably go for around $4k as it is still pretty new), but even if it doesn't get down to $3,500, you might want to stretch your budget a bit to get it. It has been getting great reviews both in the mainstream press/websites as well as the boards here and on Audio Asylum.

Check out the shootout results down here on Audiogon a couple of months ago.

Shootout results

(I have the Resolution Audio Opus 21, which sells for $3,500 new, which I can highly recommend as well. But it does not play SACDs.)
i would recommend at least checking out the marantz sa11s1
i've had mine for about a year and have been very happy with it. new ones can be found under $3000 easily, leaving some money for cables if you wish
i just bought an ayre c5xe but i don't think even used you can reastically go under $4500 for it.