Led Zeppelin Classic Records 45 series -Am I nuts?

I couldn't help myself when I saw this new Classics Records Zeppelin set. 44 single sided records at 45 rpms! I've never spent so much money on albums in one shot. Classic Records put out the release below and describe the fact that the recordings are not remastered (you can get this stuff on remastered CDs) as a boon. Is this just becasue they couldn't get the rights to the remastered tapes or do you think they really are more desireable? I can still cancel the order. Anybody else reserve their set? I'm feeling a little more than silly since I got rid of my analogue rig a couple of years ago. I guess I'm hoping to set one up again soon?

From the site:
The Classic Records Led Zeppelin 45 rpm Box Set consists of 44 single sided 12" records housed in a special Classic Records Road Case. The titles include Led Zeppelin I, II , III, IV, Houses of the Holy, Physical Graffiti, Presence, In Through the Out Door, and Coda with each spread out over either four or eight sides depending on whether the original LP was a single or double. These 45 rpm sides were cut at the same time as the 33 rpm discs and as such DO NOT represent a remastering that is different from the 33 rpm LP's approved by the Band. Further, there is no additional artwork or extra recorded material of any kind. Each title has an art jacket that is the same as used on the 33 rpm releases with the additional 45's in white jackets. Original label art by title is the same as used on the 33 rpm releases as well. All records are pressed on Classic's proprietary 200g Super Vinyl Profile for maximum playback fidelity. Since the mastering is exactly the same as the 33 rpms and the jackets and label art are the same authentic reproductions, why would anyone need the same material on 45 rpm discs? The answer is simple - you should be more kind to your cartridge by letting it play 45 rpm discs and reveal all the nuances that are nearly impossible to retrieve from a 33 rpm disc. The information in the grooves of these 45 rpms is EXACTLY the same as in their 33 rpm counterparts. To prove it is very easy - think of the lathe as it is cutting a lacquer, the cutter head doesn't know what speed the platter is spinning as the cutter blindly moves up and down back and forth carving the grooves. The difference is that at 45 rpm the same signal is imprinted over a longer distance and hence the "stretched" out groove is easier for a cartridge to traverse which allows the cartridge to give a better read on what is carved. The sonic difference can be quite remarkable, especially if the music is complex as with Classical music or dense as is often the case with Rock. Rest assured that you have never heard Stairway to Heaven until you've heard it at 45 rpm! This is as close to the master tape as we are able to get with an LP and as such is extremely special although requires you to change sides more often than with a 33 rpm disc. If you are a Led Zeppelin nut (you know who you are) then this set is essential - if not then go listen to some Barry Manilow!
Jaybo, what is your opinion then on the digital masters you're talking about?

R F Sayles, I wish you wrote about the CSN 45 set sooner. I JUST ordered a copy!

I cancelled my order! I think I'll wait to see what people say about this set since it's $700 and I don't have a tt anymore. What was I thinking? There you have it: an ugly glimpse into the mind of an audiophile. I hope no children were reading.
If you are looking for an audiophile experience, I'd say yes - you are nuts. These were not "audiophile" recordings in the first place. The 45 rpm would have a slight effect on low level detail - but there ISN'T ANY on most of the Zep! There is very little that can be done in remastering to recover information that simply isn't on the master tapes. I have compared a number of 70's rock remasters and originals - and the reality is that the remasters are usually disappointing. I'd much rather have a beautiful original pressing. (Brit or German preferred - the Japanese are wildly overrated IMO). Even MFSL's - really all they could really do with most of this stuff was pump up the lows and upper mids - and people are paying megabucks for them now. Audiofools and their money are easily parted.

The reason RFSayles notes that the Mingus and Junkies and classical remasters are potentially wortwhile is that the original recording gives the engineer something to work with.
Good point Opalchip, I believe your spot on.

Just one point of contention, Bonham's drums are so compressed on every recording I have ever heard or owned and that is a real shame. Rock recordings in general at the pinnacle of the genre are plagued by bad recording/mastering of drums and cymbals, Zeppelin is far from alone. Don't get me wrong, I grew up with this music and have a great passion for it, Zep is huge in the Rock pantheon for me and many, needless to say but Kublakhan why spend a small fortune on something that will never sound excellent. Grab the 33 1/3 pressings if you need them and spend the rest on other vinyl. I truly believe you will be reasonably happy this way. I wish Classic no harm, it’s just a bad investment IMHO.

Just a comment on the digital recordings in the Led Zep Complete Studio Recordings Box Set [ORIGINAL RECORDING REMASTERED] that was originally issued in 1993, for CD they are very nice. The sound quality is very resolved with great detail. You can even hear Bonzo's bass drum pedal (I say) or possibly (some say) his seat squeaking on Willie Dixon’s “I Can’t Quit You Babe”, or was it “You Shook Me”? from the first album. Anyway, not bad!

Happy Listening!
the masters were ok for the time, but i believe the mastering process (even for cd's) has improved dramatically over the last decade. this is truly putting the same old thing in a new wrapper. most customers who buy 45 rpm album sets also have previously purchased the 33's. you have to keep in mind, most new lp's only sell 1500 to 2500 copies GLOBALLY. although the zeps and floyds will do more, companies like classic cannot afford to spend a fortune on a license and then invest 10's of thousands of dollars upgrading recorded masters. they just get a digital clone of what exists, and print that vinyl in any conceivable fashion to sell it.....even if the clone was egineered decades ago.

...Very late to this party.

I have been trying to find reviews on the 45 rpm LZ's because I have just heard one disc of the LZ IV album (battle forever more & stairway to heaven) I have NEVER heard it sound so good, and it does sound great, weather your comparing it to modern recordings or older ones.

  As a point of reference, I have many UK 1st/early pressings and US WLPromos, all in Near Mint condition, I use a older Forsell linear tracking table with a $3,000 sumiko cartridge, Technical Brain solid state electronics, and highly modified Silverline Grandeur speakers.

   Compared to my two minty UK red & plum label pressings of IV...the 45 rpm is noticeably better from top to bottom.