What Happened to Neil Young's New Release ???

Ok , I thought I read that the Live with War was supposed to be released today.
What Happened?
Did the Goverment hide all the recordings with the WMD???
Or did old Neil sell out to the Man??
Classic Records (Reprise)
Format: 200 Gram Vinyl
Coming May 30, 2006
To a store near you.

I don't think anyone will have to stay up late at night worrying about Ol' Neil Young selling out and if it takes a Canadian (born) American resident to have a word or two of dissent toward todays current politically driven quagmire, than so be it. I have always enjoyed his music regardless of whether it was his "best". Remember the words of another renegade of the times, Thomas Jefferson who said "Dissent is the truest form of patriotism."
Keep on rockin' in the free world!

Happy Listening!
Just viewed the Best Buy ads for new music this week. Still no mention of Neil's latest.
Just listened to the album in its entirety for free on Neil Young's website. Sound good, I look forward to the vinyl coming soon.
Happy Listening!
I thought politics were verboten here, guess not. In that case, I just LOVE rich liberals, and FOREIGN to boot, that love to lecture us. Free speech gives them that right? Absolutely, just as it gives me the right to say I think Neil Young is a blowhard teenager living in a 60 year old man's skin. IMO he hasn't produced much worthy of my dollars (and just what the heck is up with his voice? YIKES!) in years.
I doubt this will make it past the webmaster, but what the heck ..... go smoke another bong load Neil. Have a nice day. :)