Best music store online or off?

What's your favorite place to buy music?
For new stuff, Elusive Disc is hard to beat. They are great people, too.

For used, I still have fun at Princeton Record Exchange, even though it's not nearly what it was even a year ago. Cheers,
-Squidco has a whopper inventory of unusual brainfry, stuff no postage, good descriptions, real informative site.

-Wayside Music also has a huge inventory of interesting discs, generally has some blurb that describes each recording. Home of the excellent Cunieform label. Can't say enough good things about what Steve Feigenbaum has done over the last 30 years.

-Amoeba is the obvious answer for a brick and mortar on the left coast.
What's that place in Hollywood? It's even in Mayor of Sunset Strip, isn't it? Was it Arons? I used to live in Philadelphia and heard about the Princeton Record Exchange - and there were a few good stores there out on the mainline even, and people would still go when they went up there. (especially for bootlegs). Great label, that Cuneiform.