1st, most memorable recording...

In your introduction to high end audio, is their a rock song, ballad, jazz piece, etc. that really knocked your socks off and prompted you to get into the hobby?

In 1990, a buddy had me over to listen to his rig consisting of, merlin sig. 4`s, tandburg amp/pre and denon cdp.

The first piece he played was "Bolero" by the Philadelphia Orchestra. That particular arrangement, on that particular system blew me away and was my introduction into high end audio.

It`s still one of my favorite pieces.

Just wondering if any of you have had a similar experience.

Plasmatics?? My brother got into a fight with Wendy O', well she wasn't happy about him asking her about her prior 'film star' experience.... Haven't heard their name in ~20 years....

As for the thread, I ever heard a system that just got me into it, I have always been into music, and am kind of a techno-geek, I actually bought my first 'true' high end system from the want ads...

It consisted of

Aragon 4004 Mk II
Aragon 24K pre
Proceed PCD 2
B&W (original) 802 matrix (look like the 803's)

System was raspy as hell, but otherwise did well.... Well, many years and god only knows (as I don't want to figure it out) how much money later I am reall happy with my system!!

Sorry to stray......
The first was American Beauty by The Grateful Dead. The second was Pictures at an Exhibition by ELP which really opened me my ears to classical music.
Van Morrison's "Moondance", in the mid 1980's on a friends LP-12 late at night with the lights out, probably under the influence.
My buddy's dad had a rig that consisted of AR 3as, Empire belt driven turntable, and a Fisher receiver. He played Sounds of Silence by Simon & Garfundkel. Did it for me, back in the 60s. I was hooked.
I had a music teacher in grade school...I think this was around 69' - who brought in her copy of "Tommy" by The Who. That and Sgt. Pepper opened up my ears to music, and are probably both the most memorable experiences as far as music. Neither were played on any special rigs..in fact both were quite ordinary and inexpensive...it was the music itself that moved me. If we're talking audiophool cherry-poppin', that'd have to be hearing my friend's modest system of Quad 57's with Audbile Illusions pre and a rebuilt Dynaco 70. The combination was very pipe and slippers and drew me in like a cozy fire I didn't want to go away from. Funny, I can't really recall what he played for me that first time...it was a classical piece, I do remember that, but it really wasn't the music there, but the experience of the system and the kind of presence the music had.
