Current Alan Parsons tour: anybody seen him?

I've always loved Alan Parsons, and he just added a date in Eugene, OR, albeit at a small outdoor venue that is not my favorite. Just wondering what music he's doing on this tour and how his current band handles the vocals and material. Anybody had a chance to catch his show? Please report!

I got to answer my own questions this weekend, as I was able to attend the Alan Parsons Live Project concert Friday night in Eugene. They performed with 35 members of the Eugene Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Larry Baird, who has directed orchestras for the Moody Blues and a number of other big rock acts.

Two different and fortuitous circumstances combined to make this a special evening for me. First was the weather; this concert was originally slated for Cuthbert Amphitheatre, an outdoor venue in Eugene that I particularly dislike, so I wasn't going to go. Thursday afternoon the weather got stormy and Parsons, perfectionist that he is, requested that the concert be moved inside to the Hult Center, a very fine auditorium with great acoustics. As soon as I heard that, I knew I had to go.

I talked to my wife as soon as she got home and she was happy to go (she indulges my music tastes) but we were off to a small party before I could call for tickets. When we got home I switched on the Thursday night classical show on KRVM and Arturo the DJ was giving away tickets to the 3rd caller! I called and was the first caller - darn! Called back and was the second caller - Arturo told me to give someone else a chance. Called again and was the third caller - guess no one else was listening! What could he do? The tickets were mine, which was fabulous since they were $43/ea and I'm currently, ahem, "between jobs". :-)

The concert went off about 40 minutes late because they were tweaking right up to the last minute due to the venue change. It was completely worth the wait, though, as he opened with Eye in the Sky and kept the pedal to the metal for the entire show. Parsons doesn't really play much, but he's clearly the mastermind and his touring band is pretty incredible.

Especially impressive were Godfrey Townsend on guitar, able to channel both David Gilmour and Eric Clapton as necessary, and making some of the best lead guitar faces I've ever seen. Steve Murphy on drums was not only very talented with the sticks but possesses an incredible voice, evident on Breakdown and Psychobabble. He can also flip his long blond hair with the best of them.

The addition of the orchestra really fills out the sound on certain tracks, and they had the lead on some numbers, such as We Play the Game from his new album, A Valid Path. After the show the orchestra had looks on their faces like "What just happened here?" but did a great job and, being our local classical jocks, got a huge ovation.

According to the AP web site, he'll be back out on tour late this year including some US dates in early 2007. If you love his music like I do, find a way to go. You won't be disappointed.

Between Jobs? What do you do for a living... Music Critic? No really thanks for a great recap,Parsons always took pride in the sound of his recordings something all audiophiles should be thankful for. I picked up all the early stuff from I Robot to Turn of A Friendly Card on Japanese Import distributed by Audiosource for 3.99 used a piece at Moby Disc back in the day and they are some of the best sounding vinyl in my collection.
My brother-in-law wrote music reviews for a living back in the early 70s. There wasn't much money in it, but he got to listen to a lot of great bands for free. As you can tell by the quality of my writing, I need to stick to accounting. :-)

The sound quality of this concert was outstanding, among the best I've heard at the Hult, and I've seen a lot of shows there. AP had 4 people behind the sound board, so he clearly cares about his live sound as much as he does his studio sound. Simply amazing.
I was at this show as well! Being a long-time fan who never thought I would ever have the chance to hear Alan Parsons & band (& orchestra!) live, it was one of the best concert experiences of my life. Glad you enjoyed it too.

I'm trying to reconstruct the playlist from that night and would welcome your input. I also took some photos (from the mezzanine, but they still look pretty good) that you are welcome to if you'd like. Probably be better to do this via email unless others would be interested in what they played. (remove extra "o"s when mailing).