New Patricia Barber cd "Mythology"

Brand new. It came out today.
Anyone check it out yet? Any opinions?
Jade, thanks. Right on!!!! Completely agree with you about "Verse". From a poetry stand point, it is really good. But musically it suffers a bit.

BTW, I'm going to see PB live at Jazz Standards in New York. I just hope that she will not do a complete performance of "Mythologies". I'm hoping she'll throw something else in the mix. I went to see her at Carnegie Hall last March and the performance was awesome. Beyond my expectations. What a band!!!

That is why I am completely surprised by the latest offering. I was listening to the "Mythologies" again, for the second time, and the effect is the same as the first time I heard it. Big surprise on track 10(I think) where the 2 kids rap the list of American endangered species.
And the band just sounds pretty ordinary to me on the entire CD.

I hope she gets back on track in the future and surprises us again with something on a level of "Moder Cool" or "Cafe Blue".

But again, you're correct when you say she's not the only artist this happened to. Another example I can think of is Sting.
Saw her Friday at Jazz Standard. We and the rest of the audience really liked what we heard. A true artist always risks venturing into new territory with work that will not be readily accepted by those who continue to want more of what's been done before.
I saw her Saturday at Jazz Standard!
Was good. She only did one song from her newest cd. They played a total of 7 songs, 4 of which were instrumental.

I wouldn't call her newest record "venturing into new territories". Unless you are talking about the hip-hop on track 10.
2 years later, the new CD. "The Cole Porter Mix", is out.

Any opinions? I just heard it for the first time today. I'll hold my comments for now. but do want to hear what others think.
I hope to be seeing Patricia in about two weeks, doing the Cole Porter set. She's stopping by locally & I think(?) I'll be getting a free ticket. Hope it comes to pass..I've ben wanting to see her for quite a while.