Bob Dylan finally makes sense....

In a recent interview Bob Dylan called music recordings "Atrocious" and went on to add that no good music has been made in the last 20 years, he went on to add that downloads should be free because the music is not worth anything anyway.
I have never really liked Dylan except for a few songs, but it is nice to see someone take a stand on how badly most music is recorded.

I think you are slighty wrong, and as a matter of fact I submitted ealry today a thread about Dulan's comments that never made it through.

What Bob Dylan said was that he was amazazed on how bad the recording quality has been for the past 20 years, he did not complain about the music itself.
He mentioned that music is over compressed and that instrument and vocal definition is not present.

He even said that his latest album sounded better in the studio than after he heard it on CD.

I never really "got" Dylan. He came on the scene when I was in my late teens. Sure, he suffered some pain and had a little insight into the human condition but so did most of the rest of us.

As one of the, ahem, original hippies, I smoked tons of pot, dropped acid, did mushrooms etc. along with lots of others people.

I think we all, to a certain degree, had insights and solutions for humanity to digest. He just put his "stuff" to song. Welll...okkk.

Of course, the general public thought he was some kind of prophet. Well, that`s cool.

I, and the people I got high with, were just not very impressed. Sorry....Then again, maybe we were just full of crap anyway. :)

btw...I`ve been clean and sober for almost nine years now.

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Capt369's post shows the depth of thinking about music for a whole lot of people and I think that's fine but it's neither interesting or thought provoking in itself.
Audiogon is filled with this level of comment time and time again on music.

Dylan's comments aren't particularly clear nor is the context but I do think it is more to do with the CD format and the clear trend towards the disposable aspect of modern music.
There is a certain validity in some of those comments and sure perhaps an element of somebody who has just got old and bitter.
Indeed maybe he does sound a bit like an Audiophile.

One things for sure not every word uttered by Dylan should be seen as a statement from on high.
Dylan would be the first to admit that.
Once you start to realise that he never believed any of the hype and labels bestowed upon him you might start to open up to the music.