Discovering New Music.....

In attempts to discover new artists/music, I typically surf by typing in one of my favorite artists in the search function and seeing what music other buyers have purchased as well.

Everyone has different musical tastes so I figured I'd list some of my favorite cd's. If you like any of my selections on my top ten list, I'd like to know some of your favorite cds/artists as well. There's nothing like learning about new music from others who have similar tastes in music.

Here's my list:

Natalie Merchant - Tigerlily
Jennifer Warnes - Famous Blue Raincoat & The Well
Billy Bragg - Workers Playtime
Sarah Mclaughlin - Surfacing
Jason Mraz- Mr A to Z
KD Lang - Hymns from the 49th Parallel
Linda Ronstadt - Cry Like a Rainstorm, Howl Like the Wind
David Grey - Life in Slow Motion
Carly Simon - Coming Around Again
Sarah Brightman - Dive
Pandora is wonderful.

Hear other artists that match the style of artist or group that you select, or the style of song that you select. You will also hear whole songs in decent quality, and not just a 30 second snipet.

Can't believe it's free!
I see a number of female vocalists in your list. Take a look at Roseanne Cash (especially the stuff produced by Jon Leventhal), plus anything by Rosemary Clooney, Delores Keane, Aimee Mann, Bonnie Raitt, Maura O'Connell, and the first 5 releases by Mary Black.
Have fun.
I think you would enjoy the first 3 Cowboy Junkie albums but start with Trinity Sessions and then The Caution Horses then their FIRST album Whites Off Earth Now.
The first 10,000 Manics album will give you a hint of what Natalie Merchant was about before she went solo.
Joan Osbourne's Relish Cd is killer,remember If God was One Us...
I also discover a few by going to the Concord website ,they have a huge catalog,picking out a list then listening to samples on Amazon ,
To everyone that replied...THANK YOU!
FYI, I already own a few of the suggested cd's:
Tori Amos, Annie Lennox, Lorenna McKennit, Emmylou Harris, Norah Jones, Diana Krall, and the Cowboy Junkies.

There were many suggested cd's that I will certainly seek out as well. I'm heading off to the record store this afternoon!

Thanks for the Pandora website recommendation as well! WOW! is all I can say! Amazing site! I'm hooked!

Raytheprinter, what is the concord site? I've never heard of it before.

Again, thanks everyone!