Dark Day For Hands On Music-Movie Buyers

Tower Records, a definite iconic chain of stores known for it's wide selection is soon to be no more. I've bought my music and movies from Amazon etc but it's not the same as going to the store and browsing. Sad day.
Tower was always over priced which didn't make any since. They bought in bulk and yet independent music stores charged less for new titles and there back catalog. I will admit I used to go to Tower for jazz because of the selection but I won't miss them at all. They had over 5 years to turn it around and yet they never brought their prices down to a competitive level.When the wherehouse stated selling used merchandise Tower stayed the course so they could have big promotional displays rather than give the customer what they wanted... affordable merchandise.
Best buy, Walmart, and exactly Amazon and online put them out of business.. They are far Overpriced, I mean the one by me charges 28.99 a movie, and 18.99 a Cd? Why would anybody go and purchase from there when in the movie case you could get it for at least 10 dollars less just about anywhere, and the CD for 12 or 13.99, sometimes 9.99? I Liked tower, but why in the world could they not stay in business simply competing in prices with the major stores? Maybe I am wrong about why they are out of business, but I went in this weekend just to see what was up, and they had a 10% off everything sale, Okay well let me say I was looking for a couple things, and yeah a movie that I picked up just 2 days earlier for 15.99 was 28.99 with a 10% discount was like 3 bucks off, still costing 10 dollars more than a Walmart or bestbuy?

I mean yes tower once in a great while had some more obscure stuff, but not so much anymore, Best buy has pretty well closed the gap, and unless Tower was to carry vinyl again, anybody could get the stuff off Amazon like you said much cheaper if in fact best buy did not have it, but this was very rare of the last 5 years..

Maybe someone will finally put together a real discount store one day, FYE is just as bad and just growing, but they are INSANE prices.. FYE takes used Items for Trade, you can literally give them 4 Discs for trade and still pay more for a CD many times after giving them your discs than just paying 8 or 10 dollars less elsewhere? Maybe I am missing something but if the public is that ignorant to keep them going than no wonder nobody can support the main Gas prices and economy if they pay so much to the Towers and FYE's for frivelous things.
Tower was the last 'global' retail provider for music and movies. their prices (generally at list) for decades were more than offset by their selection. that was the point. they were were the indy labels' best friend, and the only large retailer to get behind new artists. they were also the last major retailer to stock ANY vinyl. though they struggled for the last decade, they were as much a part of the music industry and culture as any great artist......the category killers, who millions ran to to save a couple of bucks, just lost the last major retailer that honestly loved selling music.......classical music as a category just lost their last significant presence......in other news...hi fi farm and other music hardware specialists are still dropping like flies.
I admit that Tower should have had lower base prices and sales more often. The selection as jaybo said is the thing. Wal bleeping Mart and Best Buy do not even come close in the selection dept. I have never bought a cd from BB or WM and never will. From now on for me it's Amazon or Rasputin.