Donald Fagen's Nightfly - Love it or Hate it?

I am intrigued by this album. The first time i I heard it I was immediately hooked - I love it's laidback sound with puchy lines and funky beat...

What do you like (or hate) about it?

Fav tracks: New Frontier, Maxine & Nightfly - Your's?

Dewald Visser
Nightfly, to me, is an all-time classic. I recall being floored hearing Fagen do "Walk Between the Raindrops". The arrangement in that song is, well, perfect...leading me to ask ,

Does anyone know what the above poster means when they say "too perfect".
Don't get me wrong-I like the record. But I can understand that someone might say it's "too perfect". Like much of Steely Dan's stuff, it' kind of a mixture of happy upbeat pop and pseudo jazz but if your tastes lean toward other types of music that a lot people consider to have a real "edge" like small group jazz, rock, blues, r&b or stuff like Tom Waits/Bob Dylan then "Nightfly" can seem to be a bit sterile and mechanical.

It probably boils down to what kind of mood you're in.
How can something be excessively perfect? Maybe it's like over abundant or past history.
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