Are the Grammy's becoming irrelevant?

It seems to me the Grammy's have never recovered from the introduction of the MTV Music Awards. The MTV Music Awards came out of the gate with two objectives:

1. To modernize the format of music awards and shock the audience.
2. Provide a new stage for Rappers and Hip-Hop music.

This was a combination that became highly successful for MTV. At first the Grammy's tried to remain above the fray and put on a classy show, however over time to compete they've became just another MTV type music award. Which leads to the question - are the Grammy's still relevant? Do you look forward to watching the show every year and if so; why?
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I second that Audiofeil. For you fellows insisting on dicsussing your personal political views, please find somewhrer else to do it. We are business people, and business and politics shouldn't mix.
Since when (1) are we all business people and (2 )don't business and politic mix, since they mix all the time in real life? Which is not to say that this thread hasn't gone FAR off track. :-)
Sir, that is my preference not to mix business and politics. I am in sales and would not jeoperdize a sale to espouse my personal political opinion in an arena that has nothing to do with politics. The original topic of this thread was, Are the Grammy's becoming irrelevant? What does White House foreign policy have to do with the relevance of The Grammy awards?
starlight vocal band 'afternoon delight'....yes ALL grammy nominations and winners are music industry insider b.s.....why would any fan of any artist be upset their favorite didn't win? gram parsons and rick nelson aren't in the country music hall of fame....the hollies aren't in the r&r hall of is unfare, but that's rock & roll