Devendra Banhart - Anybody listening ?

This guy is my new hero.

I've read his genre described as 'freak folk.'

Any recommendations for similarly styled artists?
Will Oldham also does (did) business as Palace and Tortoise. That guy gets around.
Based on recommendations I bought a Sufjan Stevens cd (seven swans) and Bonnie Prince Billy (summer in the southeast.) LOVE them both!!
Banhart is very refreshing. Freakfolk, cool title. May i make a suggestion. Space Oddity. Listen how the freak of all freaks does it. Get past the song Space Oddity,(which is one great song) turn off the lights, sit back, let the mans music transport you to places like no other is capable. When you get back home, break out the old Websters, you will appreciate what you just heard that much more. Cerebral music from thirtyeight years ago that people are still trying to catch up to. Now that's freaky!!
Two more recs from another site that worked:


Vetiver (Banhart plays w/ them sometimes.)

What's Space Oddity? The name of the group??