Best sounding SACD regardles of music

I am looking for a SACD to demo the system.I would appreciate your reccomendations.I need full spectrum:bass,drums,transients.Thanks a lot.
Try Telarc SACD-60433, Film Music of Jerry Goldsmith, wiht Goldsmith conducting the LSO. It has a huge bassdrum, great depth, dynamic range, and instrumental color. My only wish is that the strings didn't sound quite so thin.

Great music too--from 'Star Trek', Air Force One', and LOTS more--which is why I bought it. I've bought 2 more copies because I love the sound.
The full potential of SACD is not realized unless your system is multichannel, with good speakers all around. The stereo audio quality improvement over a well made CD, is real, but not dramatic enough to impress your audience.
For demo I would recommend these:

Audiophile Reference IV (All tracks are great, you get a little bit of everything) (FIM)

SuperBass2 - Ray Brown Trio (Try tracks 4 & 6) (Telarc)

Scary Music (Try tracks 4, 10, & 12) (Telarc)

Live Recordings At Red Rose Music, Volume 1 (Try tracks 1 & 6)

McCoy Tyner Quartet: New York Reunion (Try track 5) (Chesky Records)