Best sounding SACD regardles of music

I am looking for a SACD to demo the system.I would appreciate your reccomendations.I need full spectrum:bass,drums,transients.Thanks a lot.
Jeff Wayne's "War of the Worlds" sounded pretty darn good to me. Richard Burton's deep, sonorous narration coupled with some great songs by the Moody Blues (among others) and you've got a very nice SACD to listen to.

Muddy Waters/Folk Singer
Eric Clapton/461 Ocean Blvd.
Buddy Guy/DJ Play My Blues
Bob Dylan/Blonde on Blonde
Nope-sorry guys it's the "Yo Miles" sessions. There are two double CD's that can be had for about $20 ea. One is "Upriver" , can't remember the other. Native DSD. The second release has better fidelity the first a better image. They smoke anything I've heard on SACD by a lot. These are a tribute to the Miles electric period in a band headed by Wadada Leo Smith and Henry Kaiser. Very dynamic, lots of cool stuff like a tabla-trumpet duet. They are on Steve Feigenbaums Cuineform label. You can find them at his website: