What song is your fav.Emmylou cut???

I got into E* from listening to her first big studio album. My son bought this and we traded---I can't remember what I gave??,maybe 2 albums to be named later?? Just about every cut is my one of my favs.--"Boulders to Birmingham"-Then we have "Tulsa Queen" off q/moon 10-cent town.--That is my pick;what's yours?
No favorites, but check her backup/duet work on Guy Clark's albums. I really like her solo work but some of her best work is as a backup singer.
Haven't heard enough to say I know her work as well as some here, but I particularly like "Deeper Well" from Wrecking Ball, and the title cut from Red Dirt Girl. She sings with one of my all-time favorites, Patty Griffin, on Patty's new album, "Children Running Through" - that cut is titled "Trapeze". Just saw Patty in concert - fantastic as always! Three standing ovations (she came out and played for all three). I've heard a few duets with Dolly Parton and Emmy Lou Harris that I've enjoyed very much, but can't recall those titles. Those two also have a trio's album with Linda Rhondstadt, but I'm not a fan of the latter.

I do own the Duetes; I just put in my player and all I get is "no disc"---The cd looks brand new but it has this black banding ring on the outer edge. There is a tiny silver band on the very outer edge/then the black ring and that maybe what makes it hard for my player to read?? I know it played fine on my older Data3. Is this a Reprise thing ??
Just popped in Dylan's Desire-- Guess whom sings backup??
I have seen her 4xs. Twice at the Palomino,once at the Roxy (second row/center)and once at the Greek or was that H-Bowl? Dolly came up on stage from the audience---'should have heard the cat calls. I was maybe 20 yards away.
Tobias, thanks for the clarification.