dissapointing audiophile recording

Just curious what is your most dissapointing audiophile recording that you have heard, and not from a sonic stand point but a musical one.
Mine is at the moment a Kenny Rankin chesky cd recording " because of you" that I picked up at a Goodwill for a buck. I find it vocally and its musical presentation very milk toast and bland at best,almost like listening to bad Kenny G not that I believe there is any good Kenny G.
Ana Caram, Rio After Dark on Chesky CD. Great sound, but she couldn't carry a tune with a wheelbarrow. Taught me finally to buy music I like and do the best I can with my system to make it sound good. Buying music because of the sound qualities has often proved disappointing.

Honorable mention: Byrds Greatest Hits on SACD. My 35+ year old vinyl copy from college, with scratches and all, sounds better.
Hello, Well, I guess, what the in the world do I know? Johnnyb52 (in the thread "Spelunking for old vinyl in thrift shops") just picked up the Readers Digest of Light classical and loves it! There's hope for Kenny G afterall. No offence JB52.
I have a mint copy of it also, if anybody wants it, it is free, just pay shipping!
I am going to be very honest I really don't take to kindly to your statement "white folks jazz" hey Imus see it works both ways.
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