Redbook cd's???

Sorry to ask what might seem to many to be a foolish question, but reading here I have seen the term "redbook" cd thrown around quite a lot, what does that term mean?
This has been brought up before but here would be the full explanation on Redbook :

Gotta love Google.
Thanks for the info guys. I though I was missing something, turns out I was not. Thanks again for the replies.
There is a GREAT article in this month's "the absolute sound" about the invention of the CD, including a well detailed outline of the Redbook Standard.
I've seen the redbook - it is a real book... I used to work for Philips - the technical specifications for creating and reading a CD were contained in a giant "Red Book", ie red three rind binder (hence the name) - when I was there in 90-96 we were working on the CD-i software which was the "green book."

In addition to sampling rates and sizes (44.1k/16 bit)and data rates there are very specific descriptions of data files, machine specs, tolerances, transfer rates, error correction, etc. The Redbook - possibly the most boring book ever written!! And the book that essentially ruined the recording industry - they forgot to include some kind of encryption (like DVD's have now), opening up the way for everyone to copy and steal music... but that's another story. Who could have known that computers would get faster and the internet would be invented...