Elvis - 30 Years Ago Today, RIP

What an icon!

My first memorable exposure to 'The King' was the 1968 comeback TV special. I was only 4 but I can remember the EXCITEMENT in the house more than the show itself - my mom and her sisters all making cat calls. To this day it is my most favorite performance.

Anyhow, hats off to the legend. A little something on Youtube I enjoyed in rememberence:

Elvis 1968
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I was seven when the "comeback" was broadcast, but I never knew it existed until a rebroadcast years later (at the time of his death?) Looking at the clip, it's hard to believe he died the way he did. Only the Ramones made a cooler statement with leather.
I'm 40 so I was 10 when he died. The event is similar to my generation what JFK's death was the the prior generation... everybody remembers where they were when they heard. I was sitting on my bike on the corner of Wayne talking with Richard Henry and I laughed when I was told because I thought it was a joke...At that age I couldn't imagine what death was or that someone like Elvis could suddenly be gone. I've sadly come a long way since then.

What was Elvis doing in Portland? When he filled my car up with gas last summer he was still in Kalamazoo. He said he'd worked at the WalMart there but had to quit because the health care benefits were lousy, what with his high blood pressure and diabetes. Maybe there was a greeter shortage in Oregon and they talked him into coming back - he was always great with the public. Not a bad singer either.

I first saw Elvis on the Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey summer replacement show for Jackie Gleason. It was 1956 and I was ll years old. I laughed so hard watching his gyrations that I almost had an accident. My 7 year old brother did not help either. He was on the floor laughing and rolling around gasping for breath. By the fall-winter of '56, I was buying his records. I still have an extended play 45 of songs from his first album.

His death was so unnecessary. It still greatly saddens me.