Rolling Stones CD Remasters 2002?

My Stones CDs are very early - late 80's and I'm looking to "upgrade" with remasters if it is worth the effort. Any comments on the 2002 remastered cds?

To replace:
Let it bleed

Some Girls
Goats Head

Comments appreciated.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xamansker
Interesting. The only direct comparison I have done is Exile on Main Street: The first cd version (same master tapes as vinyl) and the later remastered version.

I found the earlier version to be far superior to the remastered version.
I find the ABKCO remasters to be excellent for the instrumental parts, and piss-poor with the vocals disappearing into the mix, in terms of comparable volume.

All in all, a huge disappointment.
Amansker, the SACDs became a limited edition by default when Sony decided to stop supporting the SACD format for popular releases. Instantly after announcing the cessation of the SACD Stones titles, the price of the SACD's tripled on Ebay and at other outlets for used cd's. I don't think the improvement in sound is worth the current price premium for the SACDs. Like Shadorne said, the Stones favored a really rough sounding mix. I own or have heard almost all of the SACD remasters and still prefer to listen to my better sounding vinyl pressings.
I was checking out the Artistdirect Ludwig page and notice this: Let It Bleed (Japan). Does that mean that this is a special japanese release? Can I get it domestically?