Most Influential American Musician of All Time?

Who do you regard as the most influential (i.e., musically, not necessarily commercially) American musician of all time across all genres?

The more I learn about Louis Armstrong, the more I am persuaded that he deserves that honor.
Uru975 has the correct Double Jeopardy answer with Gershwin. While my vanity plate reads SATCHMO, and he is a monster in terms of influence and creativity, Gershwin's reach internationally was/is so great. And besides, consider all of the greats doing "__________ Sings the Gershwin Songbook".
Robert Johnson is an inspired choice, particularly since his influence is based on so little recorded music and since he died so young. Had he lived longer and recorded more, I expect more people would understand how influtential he was on rock music. It's amazing that his influence didn't really even begin until he was "discovered" over two decades after his death.