Most Influential American Musician of All Time?

Who do you regard as the most influential (i.e., musically, not necessarily commercially) American musician of all time across all genres?

The more I learn about Louis Armstrong, the more I am persuaded that he deserves that honor.

Wasn't Leadbelly A blues biggie from way back?
Also, Bob Wills was a giant with his "Texas Swing".
Certainly Pops is a great candidate, since he pretty much invented the modern concept of soloing in, around and on top of the beat. His elastic sense of time made it possible for all subsequent explorations of the beat in Western popular music. But how about Charlie Christian? Can someone think of a person that played the guitar like he did before his arrival, and can anyone identify an important guitar stylist from a later era that did not display some critical element of Christian's style? In fact, you could argue that Christian's innovations inspired subsequent guitarists, and even vocalists to use horn-like phrasing. A case can also be made for Albert King, as every major blues and rock guitarist since him has used his style of attack and note bending. Its true that BB preceded Albert and is every bit as great, but for some reason everyone still tries to sound like Albert in some way or another.
If the question was " who was Americas most influential guitarist" then I would say Charlie Christian. Charlie died of TB in his 20's and had he lived I'm sure he would have been even more influential. Blues guitarists harken back to Robert Johnson. For me there are too many great ones over the last 50 years to choose just one like Albert King. Now if you asked Albert he of course would say he was the best. Thats classic Albert King. Albert once famously said of Jimi Hendrix "I can do everything he does but he can't do everything I do".(which might be true) The only time I heard him speak of another guitarist with reverence was on the Albert King/SRV live disc where he admits that SRV was more than his equal. No knocks on Charlie or Albert I just think it's a stretch to call either of them Americas most influential musician as their influences are a little too narrow for me. JMNSHO no offense intended. - Jim
"Tvad, FWIW I think your definition of 'musician' might be a bit narrow, especially in view of how it's defined in my dictionary, i.e. a composer or performer of music and as an alternative a performer esp of instrumental music."

This goes back to my question Jeffery, how do we define musician for the benefit of this thread? Does it include composers and singers or is the intent instrumentalist? If so it is an impossible question to answer and would have to be divided into categories otherwise it is nothing more than a popularity contest with no objective basis for argument.
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