Inner wax writings

I have often noticed "Masterdisk" imprint around dead wax...some impressions appear handwritten and some typographical. Any informed theory/knowledge/reference would be greatly appreciated.
The original US and UK "Close to the Edge" are both superior to the MOFI. Another kick a** version is the Japanese release ATLANTIC P10116A.

Regarding DSOTM, there are at least a half dozen pressings that blow away the MOFI. They include:
UK original
US original
HARVEST 8556731 The British Centenary Direct Metal Master
EMI EMLF97002 Japanese Pro Series
HARVEST 1C06205249Q German Quadraphonic
EMI EMS80324 Japanese release

The 30th Anniversary release is a joke.
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I remeber as kid reading all kinds of messages in the last groove. Turn me over, play me again, comes to mind. Some were more personal. I forgot about these little notes until now. You can bet I'm gonna check my records when I get home tonight.
>>all kinds of messages in the last groove<<

It's fun to look for this stuff. One of my favorites is on original pressings of Led Zeppelin III. In the deadwax of side 1 is "Do What Thou Wilt" and side 2 "So Mote Be It".

These are phrases from a work by Aleister Crowley who is greatly admired by Page; he has a huge collection of Crowley's manuscripts, artwork, and memorabilia.

At one time he owned one of Crowley's homes in Scotland.
Refer to Michael fremer's article on stereophile 8/06 article page34 about some info on inner wax writings mean. Happy listening