Did you see Springsteens latest show???

I have seen the future of Rock and Roll and it's name is Bruce Springsteen, again. Now more than ever. Long live Rock.
I had a friendly acquaintance in the 1980s who was the area rep for Polydor/Polygram. He worked with Springsteen on a number of occasions (along with Whitney Huston & John Mellencamp). Wilson had told me number of times that Bruce was somewhat hypocritical - would act one way in front of fans and the media, another behind the scenes. Said Springsteen would insist on $5,000.00 a night suites (back then!!) when he'd leave the country, would stay at more pedestrian digs while in the USA. Wilson said Bruce very carefully cultivated his 'working man' image while demanding more and more money, perks, etc. And he knew how to spend them. Wilson told me back then that Springsteen was one of the first (Michael Jackson being the other) to demand a 100% increase in what he was being paid per CD. And remember, Bruce married a supermodel in the 80s!!

Wilson said Mellencamp was the only rocker/pop star who was completely down to earth. Treated everyone the same and liked his Bud. Never demanded unreasonable things and would accept whatever situation he found himself in. Always in a mellow mood and was friendly with everybody including stage hands. Wilson said he was exactly like his image on his records. Of course, this was all 20+ years ago.
i have seen springsteen about 15-20 time most in the 70's and 80's, many small venues camden county college NJ, tower theater Pa. etc. he was positivley in his prime then. not so good in the 90's, back for a second and third wind after 9/11 with THE RISING and MAGIC. saw him at the medowlands a little(lot) older but he still has that spark. as far as his politic go, all i can say is THANK OUR LUCKY STARS FOR ROCK AND ROLL AND IT'S "BOSS" BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN! LONG LVE THE BOSS and LONG LIVE ROCK AND ROLL!
Isnt it a bit odd that Springsteen is touted as a working class hero but he is a boss?
not the "boss" of you or me, just rock and roll! not odd at all. wasn't elvis the king