My OCD (self-diagnosed) is cause for deep consternation in this area. I want to sort by genre, alpha, then chron, but each has it's own dilemma. For example ...
GENRE: Muddy is Blues, but how about Fleetwod Mac with Green? And then what if I have Fleetwood Mac without Green?
ALPHA: Reverend Horton Heat, none of which is his real name, so sort under Rev.? Horton? Heat? Heath (Jim, actual name)?
CHRON: Recorded or realeased date - could span years? Collections - again, could span years?
GENRE: Muddy is Blues, but how about Fleetwod Mac with Green? And then what if I have Fleetwood Mac without Green?
ALPHA: Reverend Horton Heat, none of which is his real name, so sort under Rev.? Horton? Heat? Heath (Jim, actual name)?
CHRON: Recorded or realeased date - could span years? Collections - again, could span years?