Can anyone wean me off of Sublime?

I came to know this band late and its been more than a few years since the tragic ending but listening to "40 oz. to freedom" I was wondering why this album isn't revered as one of the truelly great rock albums in the last 30 years. My question is if that band flew under my radar what else am I missing? I guess what resonated most with me was the tightness of their sound (I wonder if krell afficianados use their discs to show off their system "slam" ability :) and the fusion of disparate styles (eg hip-hop, reggae, etc.). Can anyone provide me with suggestions that have a similar sound or approach to music?
Try any of the Blind Melon cds. You can't go wrong with any of them, Nico is my favorite though. Shannon Hoon was the lead singer and he passed away from drugs as well. They were magic in the making in my opinion.
I am a big fan of Sublime. Their "tightness" is unmatched by few bands. In some of their live recordings, Bradely could change things on the fly and the others would not miss a beat. I have tried to listen to Long Beach Dub All Stars and just can't get into to them. I think I am expecting to hear Sublime but, am always disappointed. You might look in to The Super Suckers. They have the raw but tight sound like Sublime.
The Beautiful Girls. They're from Australia. Especially "We're Already Gone" and "Learn Yourself," which both have TONS of groove & are very well recorded. Their latest album, Ziggurats, is harder.