Prog Rock.....Porcupine Tree?

Ok, call me slow since I see these guys have been around for a while...Heard a sample of some of their music and was blown away...Which is the best album as a starting point...Also,,,how is their dvd?

yes! try Djam Karet! That's another great band that basically works from the back of their homes and puts out some of the most challenging music out there! The devouring, no commercial potential (try finding the original issue, it contains some of my favorite improvised tracks by DK). A night for Baku is another great offering. These guys are phenomenal. Go get the devouring and you'll be playing it on heavy rotation. it's got it all: mellotrons, crunching guitars, pounding bass, bashing's like the best jams that floyd did in the 70's but with an original voice. these guys aren't copycats. Their voice is very genuine and they know what they play and how to do it right. ESSENTIAL!
I remember that album was highly praised when it came out. I can't believe it's been at least 10 years or so. Amazing people too! I've met them before and they're super down to earth. Their live shows were incredible. I think I've seen them 4's very rare to see them play live. Phenomenal musicianship!
their DVD is a lot of fun and quite inexpensive (unless you want the limited edition with postcards). Get it before it goes out of print. The XM recordings are also fun. Their catalog is quite extensive. Don't let it discourage you from getting into their music. Start wherever your budget allows and enjoy their music. it's a lot of fun!
Proghead, Mikedimitrov,

Djam Karet is amazing....Thanks for the recommendation...


Gonna have to touch base with you! See what other musical wonders I am missing out on...