I had no idea until this morning that there are newly-remastered (01/2008) versions available from the usual retailers, etc. Amazon, BestBuy, and the like are all listing practically the entire early catalog as recent remaster releases. I can't tell you (yet) how good any of these is but I do know I'll try to hit a couple of stores on the way home this afternoon to see if there are any available.
"Late for the Sky" has always been one of the greatest and most frustrating CD's I've ever owned. I darned near played right through the album way back when and have had to live with the compromise of LFTS on CD ever since.
Thanks for starting this thread, Pdn, 'cause otherwise I wouldn't have gone looking and found out about all the remasters out now.
"Late for the Sky" has always been one of the greatest and most frustrating CD's I've ever owned. I darned near played right through the album way back when and have had to live with the compromise of LFTS on CD ever since.
Thanks for starting this thread, Pdn, 'cause otherwise I wouldn't have gone looking and found out about all the remasters out now.