Jackson Browne CD's

One of my all time favorite albums ever is Jackson Browne's "For Everyman". I literally wore out my LP back in the day. But now the CD version's overall sound quality and fidelity is down right awful. Horrible sound. Does anyone know or may have heard if this CD will be digitally remastered in 24 bitstream or perhaps in HDCD? I don't have an SACD capable player so that won't work. I am unable to find out any info on the net. Jackson's two more recent CD's (I'm Alive and Naked Ride Home) sound fantastic. No comparison. Any info would be appreciated. I know it's a long shot.
I had no idea until this morning that there are newly-remastered (01/2008) versions available from the usual retailers, etc. Amazon, BestBuy, and the like are all listing practically the entire early catalog as recent remaster releases. I can't tell you (yet) how good any of these is but I do know I'll try to hit a couple of stores on the way home this afternoon to see if there are any available.

"Late for the Sky" has always been one of the greatest and most frustrating CD's I've ever owned. I darned near played right through the album way back when and have had to live with the compromise of LFTS on CD ever since.

Thanks for starting this thread, Pdn, 'cause otherwise I wouldn't have gone looking and found out about all the remasters out now.
Mr hosehead:

Glad you liked my thread. Appreciate that. Did you purchase any remastered JB CD's since you posted your message on 3/9 and if so, which ones? How do they sound? I'm going to hit our Borders tomorrow and listen first. Still hard to tell with those crappy headphones they have but you can get an idea. Let us know. Many thanks.
I just purchased a digitally remastered "Late for the Sky" CD and wow, what a huge difference. Only paid $11.99 at Borders. Plays louder, clearer, much greater soundstage and vocals, bass ext, depth, information, etc. Now just waiting for "For Everyman" next !!
Pdn: How can one tell a "digitally Remastered" CD? Is there a sticker on the CD itself. I looked at some today and didn't see any signage. Basically I'm asking how I can tell.
This is a great thread. I'm glad I discovered it. I too would be very interested to hear people's experience with the sound of new re-mastered versions of Everyman and Late. I love them both, but hate the sound.