Best jazz covers of rock songs

Bad Plus got some ink for this, but I'm not a huge fan. Paul Desmond did Paul Simon (sort of rock) with (sort of) mixed results. I'm looking for interesting jazz takes on familiar tunes/riffs for entertaining purposes - my guests get familiarity and I get interesting music. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Is there anything better than The Bad Plus' version of "Smells Like Teen Spirit"?
One of most unique covers I've listened to is Brian Bromberg's interpretation of "Come Together" by the Beatles on solo stand up bass.
Robertd good call Miles Human Nature! He also did Time after Time.

I saw him do both in concert in the late 80s - I called at the last minute and got 7th row center after someone cancelled! Really good show.
Grimace, I'm with you.
Martykl, if you were to see the Bad Plus in concert doing Iron Man, you'd see a GREAT jazz cover of a rock song. That said, I don't really like the Bad Plus covers of Abba (then again, I'm not an Abba fan).