Beatles covers: better than originals?

Anybody know any artist cover performances of Beatles tunes that are better than the originals?

Most covers of Beatles tunes fall way short compared to the originals, in my opinion.

I can't think of too many that stand out in my mind.

On American Idol, during the two Beatles weeks recently, two performances stood out that I recall: "Let It Be" by Brooke White was very heartfelt and right on and "The Long and Winding Road" by the young 17 year old kid (David ???) was as good as anything I've ever heard. Watch that kid...he is extremely talented....when he is on, he is right up there with the best!
There's a group out there called "1964 The Tribute". Perhaps some of you may have heard of them. They've been doing this since the early 1980's I believe. I've seen them live twice in the past few years. They have are jaw dropping fantastic. They have a live double CD set that sounds better than the original Beatle cuts. It's called "All You Live". This is a live recording but it's done very well. Overall fidelity is great. If they come to your area, don't miss them if you're a lifetime Beatles fan. Website:
Elliott Smith's version of Because from the American Beauty soundtrack is so good that George Martin used that version for the Cirque du Soleil/Beatles Love soundtrack.
the smithereens 2 latest releases are beatles covers cds.
Mike Portnoy of Dream Theater put together a Beatles cover band called Yellow Matter Custard a few tears ago. they released a live cd which was quite interesting. believe info available on DT website