Help me pick out music for a party

I am hosting a party for my wife's 50th birthday party. Most of our guests are the same age and probably same musical tastes: rock from the late 60's 70 and 80's (u2, jackson browne, peter gabriel, etc), jazz (miles, carter, metheny).

It is not a dance party (buffet dinner and few people sitting down) and I would appreciate suggestins for the evening. No disco, no hiphop or rap.


Richard Bischoff

Please don"t take this the wrong way, but is music really necessary for your wife's party ? I of course dont know how many people you have invited to come over, but lets just say that you have 30 people come over, how many are going to want to hear music ? How many would rather just take it easy and socialize ?

For the people trying to listen to music, then the conversations going on might become a distraction, and vice versa. Its almost a no win situation.

What is your wife's opinion , since its her party ?

I am just trying to give you another point of view on this, that might be over-looked.
Thanks for the valid point Riley. It will be fairly low as background music and shouldn't interfere with the conversations (party will be over 3 rooms with stereo in one room only).

Jaybo, She asked me to pick it out so I will include her favorites but just wanted some additional thoughts that I might overlook.

Hi, Richard.

Personally, the more music I get to hear, the better I like it. Background music at a party makes it much more civilized. But that's just my preference.

HOWEVER, the rock you mentioned doesn't work very well as background music, IMHO. When you turn the volume down to the point that people can easily converse over it, the music is just a distraction, not really an enjoyment.

I'd suggest:

Bryan Ferry "As Time Goes By" if you can find it, with songs by Cole Porter et al. A beauty.

Frank Sinatra "Romance - Songs From the Heart" is GREAT. I've never really been a Sinatra fan, but this CD is changing my mind. It is a remastered complilation of Nelson Riddle arrangements from the 50's and the recording quality is excellent.

Chris Botti "When I Fall in Love" works either as background music OR for serious listening.

Steve Tyrell "Standard Time" is another great CD of familiar standards.

Maybe those choices are too tame for your tastes...