Longest continuous playing songs

I like (and looking for) continuous playing music, it could be one song or a group of songs that play uninterrupted, the longer, the better. Does anybody have any suggestions?

Thanks for any suggestions,

For great instrumental, contemporary rock try "The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place" by Explosions in the Sky.
Check out the music choice channels on cable. There are over 40 different music genres, and they play without interuption, going from one song to another. Day after day and year after year and they don't stop.
Synthfreek: "no one" ???

How about "most are?"

Seems to me we get it.

And, please re-read the title to this thread.

Also most electronica albums by DJs mix them that way intentionally and these can be purchased in box sets used for a song. That way you can have max CD length playing continuously. Or purchase a music server and be done with it.
Any of Pink Floyd's albums since Dark Side of the Moon thru The Final Cut. Any of Roger Waters solo albums.
Alan Parsons Project - Tales of Mystery and Imagination.