This is helpful. Thank you all. I haven't had a chance to pick up anything yet. Hopefully, I can find time tomorrow between the kids' soccer games, softball practice and the yard work I've been "postponing." After last night, I have something to reference. I pulled out the old Stereophile Test CD 2, from 1992 - Track number seven, Franz Schubert's Ave Maria, performed by a solo violinist and accompanied by an organist playing an Aeolian-Skinner organ. I don't know what you call this, but I found it to be deeply moving. A piece so beautiful it was almost tangible, or should I say it was sublime. I sat there in the dark and kept hitting the repeat button. I definitely want to explore more music of this type. I can't wait to get the kids to bed and listen to that one piece again. Please...more suggestions.
Thanks again.
Thanks again.