Chicagoland Record Shops

So, it looks as if I may be taking the plunge back into vinyl in the not so distant future and I am seeking the best shops in and around Chicago for used and new LP's. I live just outside Chicago in Indiana and aside from your local swap meet/flea market there are no record shops around here (at least to the best of my knowledge). My musical tastes vary greatly, so I'd imagine there is no "one stop shop" per se. I did find a list on centerstagechicago dot com with a list of Chicagoland record shops but I am not sure if this list is complete or even accurate.

Reckless Records (I forgot which location) used to be the place for used LP's but I haven't been there in years. I know Music Direct has a big selection of new and expensive audiophile records but to the best of my knowledge no used vinyl. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Chris74, it's been a year since i've been in the record shop in Highland. I remember the prices to be between $8 - $12, but just like every thing else, prices go up. Glad you found the store, hey by the way, what is the name of the store?

Good Listening,

Indiana, you would think I would have paid attention to that detail but as it ends up all I saw was a "music/cd" sign in the window and pulled in to park immediately. After leaving the store, I was in a hurry and didn't pay any attention to the name of the place! Oh well, at least its easy to find :)
Chicago used to have quite a few good LP stores; they have been reduced in number in the last few years.

I'd suggest 2nd hand tunes on Clark St. (about 2400 north roughly). A few blocks from 2nd hand is HI FI records, also on Clark St.

Then in the Des Plaines area East of 294 is Record Surplus; this is the same ownership as the large Record Surplus store on Pico Blvd in Los Angeles.

If you are into classical watch for the annual Midwest Classical record show (was just a week ago).

Down in Hyde Park (roughly Lake Shore Drive and 53rd St.)
There are a few stores but do not remember the names.

good luck.

I'd avoid The Old School Records in Forest Park.I bought an LP online from them ,that had something dried on the surface resulting in more noise than signal.No satisfaction,just smartass attitude.Seems they believe their visual grading is infallible.The LP had so much dust on it I don't know how they could have seen the surface to grade it.
Anyone have experience with Beverly Records on the South side? Heard it was hit or miss and rather cluttered...