Regular Blue Note reissues quality?

I've picked up a couple of the Music Matters reissues and they are amazing and they better be for $50 a pop!
Since I can't buy all of those I'm looking for other BN titles I don't have for a little less.
At my local chain record store they have a lot of brand new standard vinyl Blue Notes for $9-$12. Does anyone know anything about them? How they sound, digital or analog master, etc.?
Any info is appreciated.
I'd agree with the advice to skip the Scorpios; I have a couple and they never get played-think in my next culling they'll get traded to the dealer who will sell them to some unsuspecting soul.

The best value BN re-issues, in my experience and without a doubt, are used Liberty or solid blue label Blue Note re-issues from the 70's. The Liberty's are generally a bit pricier-the solid blue labels can very often be found cheap on E-Bay or perhaps at record dealers with a decent jazz inventory. Liberty's in good condition are going to perhaps run $20-$25; solid blue labels can very often be found for $10-$15 if you're patient and they are outstanding value.

The Japanese King Blue Note re-issues from the 70's and 80's are, generally speaking, truly outstanding as well and can occasionally be picked up for $25-$30 if you're patient. IMO, based on a couple of the Music Matters that I have, the Kings while perhaps not quite as good are almost there and the MM series is very expensive in Canada. If I could grab a mint King for $25-$30 I'd do it in a flash.
I guess the other thing you have to weigh with the Music Matters issues, is if you like that particular record enough to spend the $$$ on it. There were only three in the first batch I was willing to drop the dough on. Blue Trane? Definately!!! Sould Samba? eh.... I don't know...
the cd's i'm refering to are the japanese re-issues. i agree, the first generation us discs are poor.