Great jazz and Rock unknown GEMS Share yours

I'm going to share my favs for jazz and rock that are out of the spotlight, so to speak.

rock= William Topley,any album (Black river, is a good place to start)

Jazz= Kazumi Watanabe, Mobo albums, 1 and 2

Got some great hidden treasures? share them so we can enjoy! This make the wonderful HIFI setups we have built so worth it. Many blessings to you and yours!
....more blues.. and they're new.. only two guys..mastered on pro-tools and a Macbook, sounds really liquid though..a drummer and a guitarist from Akron Ohio...

The Black Keys:

"Magic Potion"
"Chulahoma: The Songs of Junior Hillsborough"
Rock: Either of Ray Davies recent solo albums. Working Man's Cafe is the more Kinkslike of the two.

Barrence Whitfield and the Savages.

Jazz: Lynne Arriale Trio - lyrical piano trio
Hayes Carll- Trouble in Mind, his most recent. Think Uncle Tupelo/Steve Earl-ish. Maybe. Kinda.

Manu Kache-Neighborhood. Gabriels sometime drummer jazz offering with Tomascz Stanko and Jan Garbarek.

Don't know if either is necessarily unknown, but certainly shouldn't be.
Rock: Two Cow Garage, "Walls against Our Back"; Hayes Carll, "Little Rock"

Jazz: Bluiett, Jackson, El Zabar, "The Calling"

Other: Sera Cahoone, "Only as the Day Is Long."
