any new BLUES recomendations?

I have really enjoyed the recent releases by Duke Robillard and Nick Moss and the Fliptops. I thought that I would ask the informed listeners on Audiogon if they had any new blues recommendations?
Definitely check out Eilen Jewell (pronounced like feelin'), Letters from Sinners and Strangers. She's not straight blues but a bluesy mix of roots music and she is good. Just read the reviews on Amazon.
Have to agree with Chasmal.Don't drink downstream go to the source.check out T-Bone Walker.
Kirk fletcher's new one is great
Mitch Kashmar- live at labatt's
Ronnie Earl's recent releases are great. if you like nick moss, you will enjoy ronnie.
Mitch Wood's latest is fun if you like the New Orlean's blues influence.