Jazz artists for late starter.

Goodfellows, I have overlooked the genre of Jazz in the past, so I thought I would add to my collection of approx 2 jazz cd's. I purchased from someone who was moving and didn't want to lug his collection of cd's so I bought approx 65 for $120.
The artists include, Miles Davis (10), Bill Evans, Weather Report, Roland Guerin, Charles Mingus, Freddi Hubbard, Artie Shaw, Dave Brubeck, Wynton Marsalis, John Abercombie, Sonny Rollins Bill Frissell, Step Grapelli, Pat Metheny, Chick Corea, Keith Jarrett, John Coltrane, Thelosonious Monk, to name most of them.
I am enjoying listening to the cd's.
Can anyone recommend any other jazz artists? I do not care for male or female vocal Jazz, just music. Also if there are any jazz groups where the drummer uses sticks rather than brushes, would be a big bonus.
Many Thanks
Chris Potter, Donny McCaslin, Eric Alexander, Candy Dulfer and ... pick up some great fusion by Charlie Hunter while you're at it. Check out some Wayne Shorter, too, in addition to Manu Katche and Kenny Werner
Dcstep>I love a good argument but i have learned that sometimes an argument cant be won and shouldn't be fought.
You continually distort what is said,refuse to answer questions and you are down right arrogant.
On 6/25 when Jazzbird mentions The Art Ensemble of Chicago,Ornette Coleman and Sun Ra along with some other outstanding artists (good job Jazzbird) you failed to address this list.
When Oem made his initial post on 6/26 you went on the attack and stated more or less that Gawdbless would not like the 3 performers mentioned therefore Oem was entirely wrong.
Oem never mentioned any performer I ask why you didnt disagree with Jazzbird.
Oem said he didnt care for jazz vocals but Billie Holiday knocks him out.You respond with If Gawdbless doesn't like Ella he wont like Billie either.Oem never stated that Gawdbless would like Billie.Then you throw in Cassandra Wilson to compare to Ms.Holiday.You are entitled to your opinion but do you actually believe it??
Oem states that most innovators are gone.You reply with 5 individuals that you say are innovators.Oem asked why do you think that they are.You never answered that question but than go on to call his assertions absurd and ridiculous.
I take up this arguement because I have been asked recently which Jazz artists do I like.My reply was all the dead ones.
That doesn't mean I dislike all that are still alive.In fact I do like many but rather list about 50 that I think were/are exceptional I made a blanket statement.
I could go on about innovation but it seems to me that the young turks from the 80's dropped the ball.Maybe it was the fault of the producers or the record companies I can't say but today its hard to find a Jazz station on radio let alone a live performance and fact is no one really cares.Maybe a few of the hanger- oners and the ones that think the know.

I'm here to try to answer Gawdbless' questions about jazz artists that he might like, not Oem's and certainly not the tangental Alnolan.

Must everything degenerate into a p***ing contest? Alnolan, with all due respect ... I care. Guess that makes me a "hanger-oner and one that think the(sp) know". I thought we were here to contribute to the A-gon community. I am certainly grateful for all the positive suggestions and recommendations gained from some very generous contributors. My system was built from the knowledge gained on this forum.

FWIW, there are couple of very nice internet accessible jazz radio stations here on the Coast (I happen to be listening to one right now) - KJAZZ in Long Beach and KCSM in the SF Bay Area. With a little searching, many others can be found on-line. Next season, a local performing arts organization is hosting "Blue Note Records Anniversary Tour" ... featuring new generation artists Nicolas Payton and Ravi Coltrane, then a date with Chick Corea, John McGlaughlin, and young turk Christian McBride. I'm subscribed to the series. Dianne Reeves is doing the final concert. I own several of her CD's, will admit that she's no Billie Holiday, but expect to see/hear an excellent performance. If experience is any indication, every show in a sizable venue will be sold out. That said, the art form lives on; and (to me at least) that's a good thing.
Hi Guys, my jazz artist plea for help has brought out some really Interesting 'points' for discussion from all you guys. Music is always fun for me, I listen and if I like I keep listening, if I don't like then I simply stop listening.
Music is as been argued here a very personal thing. There is no right from wrong. All music is good, its the listener who decides. I do not care whether artist 'a' is dead or artist 'b' is still alive. If there is a cd then It will get airplay, as I have already said it either plays, or I turn it off. Usually It plays because my musical range spans virtually every/most genres, even Jazz now! lol
If I discounted all the classical composers from my collection It would be less than It is for my Jazz collection! Might please the other half as she thinks my cd collection be culled. NEVER! I have quite a lot now that a few more (lots more) isn't really going to get noticed! lol
I have and like very much Bela Fleck.
I am also (deep breath) going to get some cd's from the library with (large intake of air) vocals on!

jfz- this hobby got expensive a long long time ago.lol
Its a great way of spending money though for the sheer enjoyment, I mean for a mere $16 (or less) you can get 70mins of an artists 'soul' literally forever.
Longer than the artist. The memory lives on!