With music in mind- Supply vs Deamand will likely be on the more supply than demand for all music. Classical getting hurt the worst.
What I want toi say is that, quite bluntly, as the generations who most desire the product pass away, the demand for this music, passes away.(oversupply)
Look at what has happened to classical miusic. It occupies a miniscule segment of the market. In turn Classical musicians and new production have, liitle support for promotion for space, ads, radio time, entire radio programs i.e the station no longer exists. In Philly one station has committed one half of it's day to Classical and that is a College supported station from Temple U. in fact. Support by the even smaller group called audiophools, is not enough . We simply cannot float that market ourselves it will survive only if more robust popular support emerges from the broad market. It is clear that the current music dollar is not headed toward Clasical production. It is a self fulfilling prophecy.
The few brick and mortar stores left that have music on discs devote most of their display to pop. Demand always depends on the larger markets. In many cases there is no classical at all to speak of. Compare this to when Tower Records opened it's doors in NYC 25+ years ago. They needed an entire separeate room on a different level physically and metaphorically to handle the demand. When the last Tower Records closed in my area, it had a half of a short ailse, in a pathetic, now empty, but once was, a bustling classical and Jazz only room to pick off the remains.
In the total demographic only very old people will show a significant preference for classical music and cool jazz. This is not a market segment that attracts marketing or production money, so it withers on the vine.
Ultimately I think it bodes poorly for an investment. Invest in it for yourself forget reeping any real profit. If you really disagree and think there will be a general demand for these records you should respect the laws governing value for anything collectable. The rules are simple 1. Condition 2. Condition 3. Coindition etc.......to make certain the collectable remains valueable use the collecting rule of perfect condition keep it" New In Box untouched." That's always the most desirable thing to any collector.