A few more good ones, following up on some of the suggestions above:
Doc and Merle Watson - Sitin' Here Pickin' The Blues. It's a compilation that includes Chazzro's suggestion plus additional material. Just great, great stuff, recorded nicely.
John Renbourne and Bert Jansch - Bert and John (or just about any of the Pentangle Cds/compilations)
I tend to agree with Nil re: Renbourne. Bert Jansch got most of the pub because Clapton and Page always name checked him, but I'll take Renbourne. Not that Bert is chopped liver....
Kaki King - Until We Felt Red
Muddy Waters - Folk Singer
Steven Stills - Just Roll Tape. A mixed bag on SQ, but this is Stills in his prime on acoustic guitar and Dobro.
If your taste runs to classical, anything by Sharon Isbin is worth owning.
These are gernerally good to very good recordings of IMHO terrific acoustic guitar performances.