Beethoven Ninth Symphony

Wanting recommendations for a top-notch recording which has all the passion and fire, and outstanding sonics. I can play CDs and SACDs, but not DVD-As.

Furtwangler's may be the best ever performances, but sonically they are very poor.... sigh.
For me The 9th Karajan"s interpretation with Vienna symphony is the Ultimate.It has to be heard on DG SACD pressings though,the Cd edition is just too muffled.

Of course it is still not the same as the original vinyl pressings.....
I'm more partial to some of the older ones myself, but if you want an excellent performance on CD of an original instrument group, you cannot do better than John Eliot Gardiner's set.
I am partial to the Solti/Chicago reading of the 9th on the London label. Big, bold sound with a lot of energy.
I like both the Vanska SACD with the Minnesota Orchestra and the 1963 von Karajan version (I don't have that SACD, but do have the vinyl, it seems to have been recorded before DG started going crazy with the multimiking so it's a decent sounding recording as well as one of the great interpretations of the piece).

And I agree with Eweedhome, other than the second movement, which is arguably the best dance movement ever written, I'm not as big a fan of this symphony as others. It is better to me when listened to live rather than on recordings, maybe the grandeur comes through better in performance than on record, but I just find the last movement to be overdone. I have been overruled on this by many others, of course.