Goldeneraguy, heck yes, you are so right, didn't think of those. Must have repressed that for a good reason, because I'm bent to go on soothing.
Twoleftears, Shadorne I could not agree with you more, though I will insist on dragging D.S. into the mix. My hunch is, that in spite of all the complexity both of you so rightly point out, we finally do agree more often than not, because no matter where and how the "sound" originates from, our love for music and our ability to get drawn into it and transported by it into moments of joy does unite us. The rest to me is a matter of taste, opinion, inventiveness, often sheer luck and last not least alas the pocketbook. Our rigs may sound as different from each other as we are as persons, but what unites us, I feel, is our passion for music and if our rig serves that, we are fine.