The eternal quandary

Is it the sound or is it the music?

A recent experience. Started to listen to a baroque trio on the main system, harpsichord, bass viol and violin. The harpsichord seems to be positioned to the left of centre, the bass viol to the right, and the violin probably somewhere in the middle. The sound of the two continuo instruments is "larger"/more diffuse than I would expect in "real life". The acoustic is slightly "swimmy". Worse still, impossible to tell if the violinist is standing in front of the continuo instruments, on the same plane as them, or even slightly behind them (in a kind of concave semi-circle). Then that tiny little doubt creeps in: although you want to blame the recording, the acoustic, the recording engineer, the digital recorder, could it be the system that's not quite doing the trick? Could its soundstaging abilities be somehow deficient? After about six shortish tracks I have stop.

Later, I finish listening to the CD on the secondary system. No, the timbral textures are not as fleshed out, no, the sheer presence of the instruments is not as intense, and no, the soundstaging is certainly no better, but I listen through to the end, in main part I think because my expectations are not as high now, and I'm listening to what's being played, not how it's being reproduced.

So are we listening to the sound or the music? Is this why car radios, table-top radios, even secondary systems have a certain, curious advantage over the "big rig"? By having so many expectations for the big rig, are we setting it up for failure? Is that one reason why lots of enthusiasts are on an unending upgrade spiral? Does this experience strike a chord (no pun intended) with anyone else out there?
How does that, er, sound?

B.R. once said, "Everything is vague to a degree you do not realize till you have tried to make it precise."

This kind of sums it up for audiophiles desacribing the sound from their systems.
Goldeneraguy, heck yes, you are so right, didn't think of those. Must have repressed that for a good reason, because I'm bent to go on soothing.

Twoleftears, Shadorne I could not agree with you more, though I will insist on dragging D.S. into the mix. My hunch is, that in spite of all the complexity both of you so rightly point out, we finally do agree more often than not, because no matter where and how the "sound" originates from, our love for music and our ability to get drawn into it and transported by it into moments of joy does unite us. The rest to me is a matter of taste, opinion, inventiveness, often sheer luck and last not least alas the pocketbook. Our rigs may sound as different from each other as we are as persons, but what unites us, I feel, is our passion for music and if our rig serves that, we are fine.
I know some high end manufacturers listen to instruments in a studio, then go into the next room and listen to the reproduction through their equipment. The honest ones say they are still miles away from reality, even with superb equipment. The question is -- If the music sounds superb, yet may not be an accurate representation, does that matter?
One viewpoint is that while reality might be the basic reference point to aim for, your system is your reality at home, and if your system tickles your emotions and you can really connect you with the performance, then its doing a great job.
Not saying that I agree, but I often wonder about this.