Mostly, Im with Sns
on this one.
It seems Im always on guard when I first begin listening.. at home or elsewhere. Checking for errors, incongruities, something a miss, or being intrigued by or excited from what Im hearing straight away. I cant help it. Until I can find no abhorrent issues in the musical presentation, OR until I can satisfactorily amend the anomalies, or ascertain their cause, and remedy them if possible, Im seldom at ease. However, this isnt an omnipresent ongoing affair. Just initially. A few minutes or so following changes or upon finding myself hearing new gear.. usually.
I cant even allow a thing to run in entirely without peeking. A lot. Only those items which Ive found unbearable to listen to during that period, can be left more alone until its finished being cooked.
Until and unless errant items can be fixed or justified, Im likely not going to be at rest and listen simply for the sake of listening. I believe this has more to do with my expectation level than anything else. Neither does it occur all the time or at every opportunity.
It is also in part due to the fact Ive become quite aurally oriented in my latter years. Its very easy for me to notice or hear very quickly things others do not, as a rule. Consequently, some aspects of recordings and/or their playback systems for me, can be and at times are, quite irritating.
As you cant expect honey from the butt of a beetle, . If the audio system playing the whatever music, is nondescript, or of a less resolving variety, Im usually very OK with the sound Im hearing. As long as it doesnt suck a lot. If its a truly poor sounding system or recording, Ill as easily just move on or try to ignore it or try to turn it off or down at least..
With my lesser resolving systems, I run my mental checks for a balanced sound field let it go at that pretty much, and enjoy.
Naturally as others have said here, when undergoing changes in my main system from integrating another piece, or just tweaking some existing parameter in it, Im all ears
for at least a little while.
The little while is that time I need to adjust to it, or improve upon it, or remove it.
This latter described state is why I hate to change things. But its getting easier and less fatiguing lately. The only caveat to my auditioning/listening sessions is due to my love hate relationship with tubes.
Im always either expecting failure, or presuming one is about to occur. Sorry, that is just me
In fact it has happened only a time or two, but I keep expecting it each time I turn on the system
after a moment or two, finding out it hasnt occurred, Im ok again. Its weird funny, to me
I just cant get past that part. But it takes only a minute or so for my reassurance to be regained.
Oddly though
from time to time while listening
Ill still make a quick mental note as to how things are going
Good? Not good? Wrong? No, its ok, just relax. Dig the tunes
and then I do.