Jazz Piano Trio / Spanish Guitar

Hello All,
I'm looking to broaden my musical pallet and I'd like to take some baby steps into jazz trios (piano, bass, drums). Please recommend some artists (groups?) that are easily accessible to virgin ears. I'd like to still hear a melodic line somewhere in the song, so nothing to avantgard or "free jazz"ish.... and of course sonic beauty is important as well, so I guess I'd be biased to more recent recordings.
I'm also looking for some recommendations of Spanish guitar artists. NO flamenco please, (yikes, too crazy for my tastes)..... just some beautiful Spanish guitar artists with albums that contain tracks that are solo guitar AND tracks with soft accompaniment.

"Momma let that boy play some rock and roll. Jazz is much too crazy, he can play that when he's old"

Guess I'm there, hehe :(
Bill Evans Trio
Paul Desmond Trio
Three Sounds Trio
Just to name some of my favorites.

I'd have to look at my collection to see whom else I have
playing spanish guitar other than: Jim Hall, and Paul Williams. There are so many acoustic guitar players out there that are pretty good.

Look at what they are playing. If you like Bill Evans you will love the other two and there are so many more. Oscar Peterson, Monty Alexander, and more. Look for them playing standards. If they are playing songs you are familiar with from composers like Gershwin, etc. You normally have a pretty good set. I have been doing this for years and I only have a couple hand full of recordings I don't like. I'm speaking of 50's and 60's vintage jazz only.
Oh I forgot The Ray Brown Trio. He is on several labels and almost all of his recordings are pretty good.
Spanish Guitar,
grisha goryachev
Narciso Yepes

I am a novice to jazz and you can't go wrong with the Bill Evans trio.
Thank you for the wonderful responses. Like Lokie said, "This thread is going to cost me some $" ..... lol. I also should have mentioned I'm only looking in the CD format.

Thanks again!