Which Classical Recording is Best?

I would like to buy a vinyl record of beethoven, bach,or mozart performed recently by london symphony. Which would you recomend I buy for a first listenig encounter. A little history, I like ELP, ELO, and Jethro Tull!!!!!
Thank You from Mario
The recent LSO Beethoven series with Haitink is quite fine but my LSO favorites do not include Beethoven, Mozart and certainly not Bach.

I didn't know that any Symphony Orchestra, anywhere, let alone London, was recording anything on vinyl. Am I missing something I should be paying attention to?
I am a professional symphonic musician, and I would be very interested to hear if any orchestras out there are releasing new recordings on vinyl. To my knowledge, this is not happening anywhere. Many orchestras are releasing recordings that are self-produced, to save costs, and releasing things only in the local markets, but to my knowledge these are all on CD. I will check into it myself as well, but if anyone knows of such a thing happening, please post!
Well that is too bad that there is nothing being laid out on vinyl. I'm surprised. I guess I'm just a greenhorn to this hobby. I will just have to try and find the latest versions of beethoven so I was told by a coworker. So thank You for the info, all the best from Mario.