Lindsey Buckingham

Just a heads up: I just played "Gift of Screws" the new L.B. cd. Off a first listen, this might be his best, yet -including "Rumors". Sound is typical for LB, carefully recorded, but not necessarily "natural" in an audiophile kinda way, At least his solos are forward in the mix. If you're a fan, don't miss this!

I really like "Live at the Bass Performance Hall". It is both a CD and DVD. The DVD is fantastic showing what an exellent artist (fantastic guitar playing) Lindsey is. The DVD has very good sound! In fact almost better that the CD!
The vinyl version is an all analog album - recorded, mixed, and mastered on analog tape with no compression. The commercial CD has some compression in the mastering I believe, but the LP and the free CD that comes with it are totally uncompressed.

It makes a big difference to my ears and I find this to be an immensely enjoyable album. More like this please.
I have the commercial CD and the sound quality is terrible. Everything sounds thin, no bass.

I'm a bit surprised by the "no bass" cmment. I just listened again - loud - and that didn't really strike me as an issue. Some of the multi tracked guitars (starting with track one) are dramatically recorded. The vocal tracks vary all over, from unremarkable to pretty awful. LB's preferred sound can be a bit "splashy" and forward through the presence region and this one is no exception. I've also had some tracking issues. In all, the sound quality of this realease strikes me as "up and down", but I wouldn't argue with anyone who says more "down" than "up".

OTOH, the music and playing is IMHO spectacular and I'm starting to believe that this cd ranks with the very best (of the 3,000 or so) pop records that I own.

Marty, I'd agree with you regarding sound quality. Can't say I found the bass lacking, just Lindsey's preference for upper mid-range exaggeration. Perhaps his hearing has been affected by too much exposure to high db concerts. BTW, if you get a chance to see it, the Music in High Def channel has a really good Fleetwood Mac (sans Christine) reunion concert airing now. Lindsey is in stellar guitar form and Stevie'd voice sounds pretty good too.