Stewart Copeland, Incredible

While enjoying Reggatta de Blanc recently the drumming really caught my attention. I would say that Copeland's percussion is the highlight of the album. He plays the drums on his high-hat better then most and never fails to add just the right amount of flair to what could be considered pretty simplistic melodies.
I used to own a green copy of his mini album which was released under the name Klark Kent. A great drummer for sure.
I believe he is a lefty playing a kit set up for someone right-handed using a traditional grip. This is part of why his drumming is unique.
I quite agree. Have you heard Murder by Numbers off the Synchronicity album. Awesome stuff. My favorite track off that album.

If you like the Police Rock/Reggae style then you will like Wesley Finley of Rebelution - also does great hi-hat work and a great relaxed touch and groovy feel. Another great and all time legend on the hi-hat is David Garibaldi but he plays funk so I am not sure if that is up your street. Anyway this is all old school technical quality stuff - no David Grohl banging away (although I like David's style too - albeit in brief doses)
Stewart Copeland is on my list of favorite rock drummers. In my mind, there's a genius in the ability of certain drummers (musicians. He's one of them.
Worth checking out is the "supergroup" Oysterhead comprised of Trey Anastasio (of Phish) Les Claypool (of Primus) and Stewart Copeland. It's a fun album and highlights a lot of great drumming by Copeland.