Highly Recommended CHILL OUT CDs???

Hi everyone - just going thru a Chill Out phase at the moment hifi wise. I was just wondering if anyone has any recommendations. Anything in the Style of BLISS - Quiet Letters would be great! Otherwise, any other audiophile sounding pressings or titles.
Thanks in advance
Here's a new one:

Klaus Schulze and Lisa Gerrard - "Farscape"
It's a new release (August 2008) 2 disc CD and amazing. I just got mine yesterday and have only had a chance to listen to disc I, but it alone is worth the $14.99 I paid. It has those great Lisa Gerrard chants, Klaus's usual synth work with some great deep bass synth notes.

Also, good call by Branislav - Mike Oldfield "Song of a Distant Earth"
I forgot about that Schulze/Gerrard disc coming out...first thing I'll look for tomorrow morning.
Steve Roach has some memorable albums - Magnificent Void and Desert Solitaire, to name a couple...
This disc is fused with down tempo electronic groves laying a foundation over which Federico's Spanish guitars creep up and down. This record is fantastic. It blew me away. Highly recommended.

This really sticks with the original post to be close to BLISS. I much prefer Federico's stuff over Bliss.
Oh yeah... Cantoma's self titled album. This album is very very good. I can't say a bad thing about it. Check out the second track Essarai by seaching for it on Youtube. Excellent music.