G'N'R Chinese Democracy LP

I just bought one today at Best Buy ($19.99).on 180g. vinyl.
Only listened to two sides so far. Not impressed with the SQ. Anyone else had a chance?

The Velvet Revolver project was great. Both albums. Too bad Slash had to pick a lead singer with a drug problem, you would have thought he learned something from his own dealings.
Weiland just released a new solo album...


Yes, it is absolutely true. Dr Pepper came out with a statement last week saying they would honor the free product to everyone in the U.s...
Ya'll are too late with the Dr. Pepper offer. They put up an entry form that ended midnite I think on Sunday.
I'm really going to get slammed, but I liked the Velvet Revolver albums, but I loved Stone Temple Pilots. Scott Weidland is great singer, and that band absolutely rocked (thanks to the DeLeo Bros). Of course he's a drug addict, so who knows if/when STP will ever come out with anything good again. Core/Purple and 4 where all great albums.
Agreed SQ isnt that great, even the free DL's included with the vinyl arent that great, but there are some very good songs on the album.
Two years later and little or no expectations, I found this album at 1/2 Price Books for $9.99. It really should have been released as an Axl Rose solo album, this is not GNR. More like Queensryche if you ask me. It's also not at all bad, in fact quite good IMO. Also don't understand the knocks on SQ. It absolutely sores on my system.
My opinions aren't among the most popular on these forums and that's fine. That's why they're mine. For $9.99 this was a pleasant surprise. Best album ever? Of course not. It was the victim of high expectations and really was doomed before anyone even heard it. Worth a revisit for anyone who enjoyed the 90's progressive flavored metal of Queensryche and the like.